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If the investor understands the benefit of each type of investment, he will be better placed to choose the correct option.
Direct Investments
If an investor opts for direct investment, there are certain inconveniences with regards to provision of certain evidence and proof. The foreign investor must ensure the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that the investment will generate direct (full-time) employment for 10 qualified American employees. Any indirect employment created by the investment is not taken into account.
In addition, a minimum of $1.8 million plus the processing overhead cost, legal and filing fees is the capital required for investing in a project.
- Equity based investment
- Option to invest in a business franchise
- More control over business & funds
- Protected by an easy exist strategy
- Shorter I-526 processing time
Investments through a Regional Center
About 90-95% of immigrant investors opt for this method of investment. The primary requirements are the same for investment, the only main distinction between the Regional Center option and direct investment is the limited hassle in seeing it through.
Regional Centers are situated in TEAs. So, the minimum investment capital is less - $900,000 plus the processing overhead cost, legal and filing fees. In addition to this, since the government is trying to promote employment in these regions, there aren’t any investigations and analyses conducted to verify whether certain priorities are met for setting up the business.
- No need to know or start the business
- No geographical limitation to live and work
- Direct or Indirect employment creation
- No day-to-day management
- Less restrictive visa qualification requirements
Services for Immigrant Investors

A variety of financial services are provided by EB5Visa, LLC to help investors immigrating to the U.S. to become successful. Investors are given useful information about business aspects that will ensure they get the best prospects.
Different plans and schemes are also drawn up in order to invest in adherence to the EB-5 program.We also assess the client’s finances to see if they meet the EB-5 standards and rules.
Immigrating investors are assisted in the filling and managing of necessary forms to commence the immigration process and changes in permanent residence. Clients businesses are also overseen to ensure that their forms are accepted.